Ikan Elite Tablet & iPad Light Stand Teleprompter with Elite Remote

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608,78 €
( 499,00 € + IVA )

Ikan Elite Tablet & iPad Light Stand Teleprompter with Elite Remote, is a Teleprompter can be set up quickly, as it sits on a standard, separately available, light stand. Use the Elite Remote to conveniently control the prompter text via Bluetooth.

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Use your iPad to prompt to your on-screen talent with the ikan Elite Tablet & iPad Light Stand Teleprompter. The light-stand mountable design of this teleprompter precludes the need for a baseplate rig, keeping setup times fast and enabling the use of smaller tripods. Most sized tablets from popular manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, and Lenovo are compatible. Check the product specs for precise compatibility measurements.


ikan ELITE-REMOTE Bluetooth iPad Teleprompter Remote

The ikan ELITE-REMOTE is compatible with dedicated 3rd-party prompting apps that were designed for the iPad in partnership with ikan. The remote connects to these apps over Bluetooth 4.0 and works from up to 20 ft away.
ELITE-REMOTE features 9 rubberized, soundless buttons and a laser pointer. It connects seamlessly with your iPad by three simple steps: 1) turn on the remote, 2) click the "sync" button, 3) and pair with the iPad. A pouch with a zipper is included for comfortable carrying.


Compatible 3rd Party Apps
JoeAllenPro Teleprompter Premium App for iPad
Bombing Brain Teleprompt+ 3 App for iPad
These apps are developed in partnership with ikan and are available on ikan's website as well as the Apple App Store.


9 Rubberized, Soundless Buttons
Horizontal flip
Chapter reverse
Fast reverse
Chapter forward
Fast forward
Virtual Keyboard Show/Hide



Designed to be mounted on light stands
Supports iPad, android, and windows tablets
Min Tablet Size: 6″ x 9″ – Max Tablet size: 9″ x 13″
Foldable glass frame
Solid aluminum construction
Includes Elite Remote
Magnetic Hood with Fabric Lens Cover


In the Box

1 x Tablet Holder Extension
1 x Magnetic Hood
1 x Glass Frame Assembly
1 x Elite Remote
1 x Universal Tablet Holder
2 x D-Ring



Supported Devices Min Dimensions: 6 x 9" / 15.2 x 22.9 cm
Max Dimensions: 9 x 13" / 22.9 x 33 cm
Wireless Range 20' / 6.1 m (Bluetooth)
Dimensions 22 x 10.5 x 12 in


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