Eartec UL3D UltraLITE 3-Person Headset System

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755,18 €
( 619,00 € + IVA )

Eartec UL3D UltraLITE 3-Person Headset System with Batteries, Charger & Case (Dual-Eared), 2 Dual-Eared Headsets, Over 300mt Range, Headsets' Mic Boom Swivels 270°, Includes 2-Port Charging Station, Includes Batteries & Case, Lasts up to 6 Hours on a 3 Hour Charge,

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Designed to facilitate wireless coordination and communication, the UL3D UltraLITE from Eartec is a 3-person dual-eared headset system suitable for use on film sets, theater sets, and more. Each headset weighs only 4 oz, can receive audio at a speed of 1.152 Mbps, and can last six hours before requiring a recharge, which you can accomplish via the included charging station. Its microphone can swivel 270°. When you're done, simply pack it all up in the case. These headsets will receive audio at ranges of over 300mt.


Eartec produce una linea completa di cuffie professionali e  Sistemi Intercom a prezzi economicamente vantaggiosi che forniscono una trasmissione vocale cristallina

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