Ultimi articoli in magazzino Teleprompter Suggeritori Ikan Professional 15" High-Bright Teleprompter IKAN PT4500-SDI 1.999,00 € 1.999,00 € + IVA Ikan Professional 15" High-Bright Teleprompter, is a teleprompter offers three interchangeable camera mounts providing support for a wide range of cameras. One fits DSLR/mirrorless cameras, one is for small to large camcorders, and the third is for VCT plates for attaching ENG cameras. Acquista
Ultimi articoli in magazzino Teleprompter Suggeritori Ikan Professional 15" High-Bright Teleprompter Travel Kit IKAN PT4500-SDI-TK 2.349,00 € 2.349,00 € + IVA Ikan Professional 15" High-Bright Teleprompter Travel Kit, is a kit include the teleprompter and a wheeled waterproof hard carry case. The PT4700-SDI prompter includes three different camera mounts supporting everything from a DSLR/mirrorless to ENG camera.Rod-mount counterweights and supporting rods are included. Acquista