Ultimi articoli in magazzino Teleprompter Suggeritori Ikan 15" High-Bright Teleprompter IKAN PT3500-HB 1.799,00 € 1.799,00 € + IVA Ikan 15" High-Bright Teleprompter, is a durable yet lightweight compact 15″ teleprompter kit. The foundation is a 15mm Rod base system, the included monitor of this high-bright version has a 1000 cd/m² brightness, which allows for clearer visibility outdoors. Acquista
Ultimi articoli in magazzino Teleprompter Suggeritori Ikan 15" High-Bright Teleprompter & Hard Case Kit IKAN PT3500-HB-TK 1.999,00 € 1.999,00 € + IVA Ikan 15" High-Bright Teleprompter & Hard Case Kit, is a kit includes the PT3500-HB teleprompter with a 15", 1000 cd/m² high-bright monitor with a 1920 x 1080 resolution, composite BNC, VGA, and HDMI inputs, and a 20' reading range and a travel hard case. Acquista