AJA Ki Storage Dock

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520,09 €
( 426,30 € + IVA )

AJA's Ki Stor Dock is external docking station provides both Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 connections for ultra-fast file transfers between either a PC or Mac host computer and Ki Stor modules. It works with all Ki Stor modules.

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AJA's Ki Stor Dock is external docking station provides both Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 connections for ultra-fast file transfers between either a PC or Mac host computer and Ki Stor modules. It works with all Ki Stor modules.


AJA Video Systems è leader nella produzione di alta qualità e costo-efficace di interfacce video digitale, realizza soluzioni desktop professionali broadcast e post-produzione dal 1993.

Sede in Grass Valley, California.

sito web: www.aja.com

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