What is the Teacher's Charter?
It is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, University and Research provided for by law 107 of 13 July 2015, art. 1 paragraph 121, which establishes the electronic charter for the updating and training of permanent teachers of educational institutions. The Teacher Card allows the purchase of training material.
Are you a tenured teacher? Use the €500 for professional development
The Charter is assigned to permanent permanent teachers of state educational institutions, both full-time and part-time, including teachers who are in training and probationary periods, teachers declared unfit for health reasons pursuant to art. . 514 of Legislative Decree 16/04/94, n.297, and subsequent amendments, teachers in positions of command, secondment, out of role or otherwise used, teachers in schools abroad, in military schools.
The Card can no longer be used upon termination of service. If the teacher has been suspended for disciplinary reasons, the use of the Card is prohibited.
Start using your Teacher Card
To use the Teacher Card:
connected to the web application cartadeldocente.editore.it
log in with SPID to create your first voucher.
SPID (the Public Digital Identity System) is your digital identity, made up of credentials (username and password), which you will have to use every time you want to access cartadeldocente.editore.it. For more information on how to request your SPID credentials click here>>
What products can you purchase with the Teacher's Card?
• Desktop PC >>
• laptops or notebooks >>
• 2in1 computers >>
• e-book reader >>
• tablets >>
• software >>
• monitor >>
• keyboards >>
• mouse >>
• graphics tablets >>
What you cannot purchase with the Teacher's Card
The Teacher Card cannot be used in particular for the following products:
Smartphones, Phablets, children's tablets, TVs and TV monitors, toners, cartridges, printers, USB sticks, camcorders, video cameras, video projectors, ADSL subscription and PayTV subscription
Contact one of our operators
• How can you get the Teacher's Card bonus and use it on BL2Store?
1 Log in to the cartadeldocente.editore.it website by logging in with your spid credentials
2 Click on "Create voucher" accessible from the site menu or from your user area
3 Select Online exercise or physical exercise in the "hardware and software" area
4 Enter the voucher amount and click create voucher. An identification code (QR code, bar code and alphanumeric code) will be issued
5 Add the item you want to the cart and select the payment method "teacher's card" at the checkout
6 Send the Coupon to amministrazione@bl2.it